Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Soal Bio. ver Ing


daur hidup virus 21.       1.     The events below are only shown by living things are ....
a.   reproduction, iritabilitet, respiration and evolution
b.   reproduction, iritabilitet, respiration and regulation
c.   reproduction, respiration, regulation and evolution
d.   regulation, and respiration and adaptation iritabilit
e.   iritabilitet, regulation, adaptation and regeneration

   Biology as a science has verivikatif characteristics, which have the intent ....
a.        have a clear object to be studied
b.      prepared using the scientific metho
c.       composed from simple to more complex
d.       truth presented generall 
e.    is not absolute but is open

3. Choose a suitable partner to the table below:
     Stepscientific method statement / treatment
     a. Formulation of the problem            ody color was influenced by the color of the algae they eat.
      b. Compilation framework                 Shrimp body color is influenced by the color of the algae they eat.
      c. Withdrawal hypothesis                  Reading theory dye carrier in plants and research support
      d. Testing the hypothesis                 Experiment with shrimp fed with various types of algae
      e. Conclusion                                  Is theof the body is affected by the color of shrimp that eats algae

4. In the investigation of homicides, suicides, and hit and run, a biologist often involved. This shows that the
   biology-related fields ....
      a. Law and Medicine                                          d. Chemistry and Sociology
      b. Law and History                                            e. Constitution and law
      c. Health and Pharmaceuticals

5. Branch of biology that studies the work of organs of the creature is alive ....

    a. anatomy                                                         d. ecology
    b. genetics                                                         e. physiology
   c.  taxonomy

6. Now these problems are found conjoined twins. The right pair of conjoined twins level issues and helped the branch of biology that solution is ...

     a. cellular level - Embryology                                    d. organ level - Bacteriology
     b. the network level – Cytology                                 e. the network level - Biotechnology
     c. organ level - teralogi

7. When studying the mechanism of muscle movement in humans, then the branch of biology that is involved ....

     a. histology and anatomy                                    d. physiology and histology.
         b.            anatomy and physiology                               e. endokrinolgi and Haematology
              c. physiology and Haematology

8. Note-kingdom kingdom following;

    1. Plantae                          4. fungi
    2. Animalia                        5. monera
    3. bacteria                         6. Protista
    distribution of living things on the basis of five kingdoms in  by no;
    a. 1,2,3,4,5                                                                        d. 1,2,4,5,6
    b. 2,3,4,5,6                                                                        e. 1,2,3,5,6
    c. 1,3,4,5,6
9. Note the following levels of organization of life;
    1. Molecule                        4. cell                    7. ecosystem
    2. Tissue.                                            5. population     8. individu
    3. organ systems                             6. biomas             9. organ
     order of organization of the low life is. . .
     a. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9
     b. 1-4-2-9-3-8-5-7-6
     c. 1-3-5-7-9-4-2-6-8
     d. 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-1
     e. 2-4-6-8-1-3-5-7-9

10. Group of similar individuals who are named in a particular habitat. . .

      a. individual                                                      d. biomes
     b. e community                                                               d. population
     c. ecosystem

11. The main reason experts include viruses into organism
 is ....
      a. size is very small                                        d. can be crystallized
      b.can cause disease.                                     e.  can reproduction
      c. can be seen with a microscope.

12. consider the following picture,

       part of the capsid and tail fibers shown by no. . . .

      a.      1 and  2
b.         2  and 3
c.         3 and 4
d.         4 and 5
e.         1 and 5

. Look at the stages of the lytic cycle vius below:


Stages of adsorption, penetration, replication, assembly and  lysis indicated by numbers ....
a. 1-2-3-4-5             
b. 1-2-4-3-5                                                
c. 2-1-3-5-4
d. 3,4,5,2,1

14. Pay attention to the type of  diseases below:
1. Typhus                                       
      2. Influenza                                    
3. TBC                                           
      4. Measles ( Campak )
5. Cholera
      6. Hepatitis
      The Diseases caused by viruses is show by  number….
 a. 1.2 and 3                                               
       b. 1.3 and 5                                               
       c. 2.4 and 6
 d. 4.5 and 6
       e. 3.4 and 5

15. The basic reason why is Bacteria Prokaryotic   classified into the organisms because  ....
      a. does not have perfect  nucleus
b. scattered (tersebar) nucleus in the plasma cell
c. has a plasma protein containing
d. has a clear cell wall.
e. does not have a nucleus.

16. Here is the difference between Archaebacteria and 
     Eubacteria, except….
     a. RNA polimerase                           
     b. mebrane lipid
     c. nucleus content
     d. cell membrane
     e. nucleus membrane

17. Consider the  organisms below;
      1. Anabaena azzolae        
      2. Nostoc commune       
      3. Rhizobium sp      
      4. Sulfolobus sp
      5. Lachnospira multipans
      6. Riminococcus altus
Which included a group of Archaebacteria in the   show is numbers….
 a. 1,2, and 3                                  
 b. 4,5, and 6                                  
 c. 1,3, and 5
 d. 2,4, and 6
 e. 2,3, and 4

18. Consider the picture of the  following bacteria;
Based on the shape of bacteria, designated no 2,3 and 4 is ....
a. streptococcus diplococcus and  streptobasil
b. streptococcus streptobasil and diplococcus
c. diplococcus streptococcus and  streptobasil
d. diplococcus streptobasil and streptococcus
e. streptobasil, streptococcus and diplococcus

19.  Consider  the following bacteria.
1. Escheresia coli                                        
2. Lactobacilus casei                                    
3. Acetobakter xylinum                                
4. Clotridium tetani
5. Mycobacterium tubercolosis
6. Bacillus anthraxis
Beneficial  Bacteria for human life is  show by  numbers ....
a. 1,2, and 3                                               
b. 1,3, and 5                                               
c. 4,5, and 6
      d. 2,4, and 6
      e. 3,4, and 5

20. The Similarities between the Bacteria and   Cyanobacteria is ....
a. reproduction  by cell dividing
b. not have the nucleus membrane.
c. autotrof and cosmopolite life
d. life colonize and cause disease in human body
e. bluish-green pigment containing

21.    Here is the role of Cyanobacteria to humans, except. ….
a. as a phytoplankton
b. helps soil fertility
c. to made antibiotic
d. as a food supplement
        e. nitrogen binding                 
22.    Note the Amoeba figure  below:


Nucleus and pseudopoda is  show by  numbers ....
  1. 1 and 2
  2. 1 and 3
  3. 2 and 3
  4. 3 and 4
  5. 5 and 6


23.  Most of the Protozoa to undergo asexual reproduction by ….
 a. conjugate                                              
 b. fusion of gametes cells                
 c. fragmentation
 d. spore
 e. binary fission

24. Below  are  kinds of diseases caused by Flagellata, except….
a. malaria
b. sura disease                                           

a.     cilia
b.     contraktil vacaula
c.     food vacaula
d.     mikro nucleus
e.     makro nucleus

          25.  Here is a picture of body structures  Cilliata, section number 2 is….


26. Plasmodium vivax causes desease ....
       a. Tropikana malaria
       b. Evensi malaria
       c. Tertian malaria
       d. Quartana malaria
       e. Ovale malaria

27. The Similarities between Myxomycota  (slime molds are not insulated) with Acrasiomycota (slime mold breakout) is the structure of the ....
a. rhizoid                             
      b. spores                                         
      c. thalus
      d. vegetative thalus
e. generative thalus.

          28. The fungus that causes disease in Potato leaves are….
a.     Phytoptora investan
b.     Volvariella volvacea
c.     Mucor mucedo
d.     Aspergillus flavus
e.     Rhizopus


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